• UM Eye Research Centre (UMERC)
  • ra.umerc@um.edu.my

Themed 'Quality : From Compliance To Performance', Universiti Malaya Medical Centre held Innovation Day 2024 on the 27th November. This was in lieu with World Quality Week which is celebrated by healthcare centres annually. UMERC did not miss the opportunity to send a team to compete in the Innovation and Quality oral and poster presentation.

Poster and Idea pitching presentation: Introduction of Comprehensive Corneal Ulcer Kit by Dr Lim Yi Wen

Summary: Without prompt treatment of corneal ulcer, it may cause cornea thinning, perforation and lead to irreversible blindness. Prior to commencement of antibiotic eyedrops upon diagnosis, time is taken to gather items needed for cornea scraping. These include agar plates, slides and blades. The corneal ulcer kit development is a simple yet effective kit to ensure timely intervention and prevent sight-threatening ocular complications.

Oral presentation

1) Post-operative Eye Care: A Guide for Patients by Prof Sujaya.

Patient information educational videos are vital tools in improving patient care. A project was conducted at Universiti Malaya Medical Centre to enhance postoperative care through the use of educational videos, focusing specifically on eye care following ocular surgery. Successful implementation of video-based education at UMMC has increased patient knowledge and contributed to a more efficient post operative care process.

2) Enhancing Ocular Protection through a Comprehensive Exposure Keratopathy Prevention Protocol by Prof Sujaya, Dr Nur Hanna Illyana, Dr Lim Ker Dee and Dr Maya Sakthi.

A comprehensive, evidence-driven eye care protocol within the hospital environment was developed with the goal of mitigating the incidence of exposure keratopathy. Exposure keratopathy is a condition primarily resulting from prolonged eyelid exposure in critically ill or sedated patients, which can lead to substantial corneal damage, significant discomfort, and long-term visual impairment. The project aimed to reduce the occurrence of exposure keratopathy, thereby improving patient comfort, accelerating recovery, and safeguarding long-term ocular health outcomes for critically ill individuals under hospital care.

Last Update: 11/12/2024