• UM Eye Research Centre (UMERC)
  • ra.umerc@um.edu.my

Of COSC 2023 and Free Lunch

“Dua, tiga kucing berlari,
Berlari ke arah Prof. Choo May May,
Dua layer sangat selari,
Selari dengan lapisan Descemet.”

Indeed that was the pinnacle of the recent Conjoint Ophthalmology Scientific Conference held at the One World Hotel. I am obliged to inform that it took place from September 15-17, 2023, although it does not matter now as the event had passed - as with our knowledge of basic clinical science of which we had a rough time recalling (take note Year 1 trainees).

Our Head of Department, Prof. Norlina blessed the participants during the Pre-Conference Workshop, with her research and statistical prowess, opening our minds akin to an overly porous sponge.

We were then further enlightened by the discovery of the Dua layer - all the way from its inception and its acceptance by the scientific community. This was, of course, presented by the (celebrity) corneal surgeon himself, Prof. Harminder Singh Dua, who was flown all the way from Queens Medical Centre in Nottingham.


Our in-house celebrity lecturers did not miss a chance to enthusiastically shed some light (of approximately 31.5 asb). Prof. Choo presented on refractive amblyopia and A/Prof. Tajunisah with her uveitic cataract surgery. A/Prof. Sujaya, on the other hand, tackled on a condition that would bring Dermatologists to tears for having to review patients on after-hours - ocular SJS/TENS.

Apart from the dates of the Conference, I am also obliged to delve further into the lunch (are we surprised? no). We had top notch packed meals from the host which consisted of:

1. Steamed jasmine rice cooked al dente, with
Ayam Goreng masak Lemon
Fish Cutlet Curry
Vegetables with Oyster Sauce

2. Cheesecake

 - Y U M M - 

Don’t forget about the free flow of coffee and tea with local delicacies interspersed in between sessions and plenaries. Definitely the highlight of the conference, next to the discovery of Dua Layer (and respective lectures from Profs. Norlina/Choo/Tajunisah/Sujaya).

The Conference is not called “Conjoint” for no reason - it was also a platform for students to flex on their ophthalmic knowledge. And that platform is the Intervarsity Quiz!

Air was filled with suspense. Tensions arose amongst team mates.

Frontalis contracting. Veins dilating. Eyes popping.

Who would have thought that L _ _ _ rhodopsin stood for Lumirhodopsin and NOT Levorhodopsin? (okay, maybe some of the first years do).

At the end of the day, guessed who won the quiz?

Hint: the abbreviation has only 2 letters.

You’ve guessed it. It’s the Universitikebangsaan Malaysia! Followed closely behind by Universiti Malaya; second place for the second time in a row.

Fret not - our own Dr Low Chien Xue bagged a prize for being the best (the smartest really) participant in the quiz.
Try not to flex too much okay, Dr Low - we still have cards to see in the clinic.

We are also immensely proud of our UM Trainees who scored the highest score for their MOphthal exams;
Congratulations Dr Yeoh Seng Hong for being the best in Part 1 & Dr Angie for beating the rest in Part 2!

And there you have it. COSC in a (ginormous) nutshell.

Till then!

Last Update: 03/10/2023