• UM Eye Research Centre (UMERC)
  • ra.umerc@um.edu.my

Laboratory Facilities

  1. Genomic Facility, Medical Biotechnology Laboratory, Level 4, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya
  2. Translational Core Laboratory, Level 11, Pediatric Building, Women and Children Health Complex, University of Malaya Medical Centre

List of Laboratory Instruments

  1. Biosan Vortex V1 Plus
  2. Gilson Mini Centrifuge
  3. Labofuge Centrifuge
  4. Biosan Thermoshaker
  5. Microplate Orbital Shaker
  6. Biosan Orbital Shaker
  7. Gel Electrophoresis Sytem
  8. Thermocycler
  9. Tube Roller Mixer
  10. BioRad Droplet Digital PCR
  11. Fisher Spectrophotometer
  12. BioRad Western Blot System
  13. Pierce Fast Semi Dry Blotter

List of Diagnostic Instruments

The Department of Ophthalmology also boasts a plethora of instruments located in the Eye Clinic (Ground Floor, Menara Utama), which are available for research purposes:

  1. Optical Coherence Tomography: Heidelberg
  2. Optical Coherence Tomography: Mirante
  3. Optical Coherence Tomography: Topcon 
  4. Humphrey Visual Perimetry 
  5. Laser System: Nd:YAG & Argon laser
  6. Hess Chart
  7. Ultrasound Biomicroscopy (UBM)

Last Update: 04/10/2024