• UM Eye Research Centre (UMERC)
  • ra.umerc@um.edu.my

The Phacoemulsification Wet Lab, fully sponsored by Alcon, was successfully conducted on March 21-22, 2024, focusing on phacodynamics of the machine and step-by-step surgical training for Master’s trainees. The course provided a comprehensive learning experience through both dry lab and wet lab sessions.

Trainees were introduced to phaco machine settings, fluidics, and energy modulation, ensuring a strong foundation in the principles of safe and efficient cataract surgery. The wet lab offered hands-on training in capsulorrhexis, nucleus management, and cortical removal, allowing participants to refine their surgical techniques.

The workshop was facilitated by Dr Lim Yi Wen, with additional support from the Alcon team, led by Mr Michael, who provided technical expertise and guidance on optimizing the use of the phaco machine. Their contributions ensured a structured and engaging training experience for the trainees.

This workshop played a crucial role in equipping Master’s trainees with essential skills in phacoemulsification, enhancing their confidence and competence in cataract surgery.

Last Update: 25/03/2025